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Post #1195641

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Ranking the Star Wars films
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Date created
12-Apr-2018, 10:46 PM

SW is first because, well, I just really get a lot of pure enjoyment out of it.

The same goes for TESB and RotJ, but to a lesser extent, thus the second and third places respectively.

I placed RO fourth because the feeling it gave me was a hybrid between the OT and the PT, and I really loved a SW movie that wasn’t centered around the force and lightsabers and jedi and stuff. I just enjoyed what RO did, but I didn’t enjoy it as much as I enjoy the OT, so fourth place.

RotS is fifth because I never had to accept the PT like most of you here, and because of that I feel like I’m more open to appreciating them. The shitty acting was never really noticeable because I used to watch every single movie ever either dubbed or subtitled until 4 years ago. And, amazingly, I don’t mind the CGI at all.

TLJ is sixth because it’s such a beautiful movie with moments as Star Warsy as they get brought together by an imo pointless and not well written plot. Hamill is also completely amazing and his performance alone makes the movie worth watching.

AotC is seventh because… I don’t know, I just enjoy it. Hal’s The Approaching Storm makes me appreciate it even more. I enjoy it for being boring too - a story that’s linked to war and has lots of (easier to understand when compared to TPM) politics but isn’t actual open war. Also I enjoy romances, and this movie certainly has a lot of that. Again, I don’t mind the negatives as much, and just enjoy it.

TFA is eighth because I just think it has a recycled plot with a slightly different story with one boring and overpowered and one underwritten protagonist, with a really really cool antagonist, the movie’s strongest point. I remember leaving the theater feeling completely underwhelmed and thinking that there had to have something wrong with me - only to realize a couple of months after, after rewatching the movie several times that I don’t like it at all.

TPM is just boring as hell, extremely stupid with stuff like Jar Jar and Darth Maul and Ric Olie. A bad movie, one that I get no enjoyment out of at all.