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Post #1195323

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Most Disappointing / Satisfying Aspect of the Sequel Trilogy?
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Date created
12-Apr-2018, 1:10 PM

I thought it would be interesting to discuss what we all feel is the most disappointing element in the sequel trilogy so far, as well as what we consider the most satisfactory thing that the ST has done.

The most satisfying element for me in the Sequel trilogy so far is Kylo Ren. He is hands down the most original and inspired thing that the ST has produced. The character is complex, unexpected (I thought we would get Vader 2.0), and so interesting. Not to mention the exceptional acting and gravitas given by Adam Driver. Nothing comes close to this character in the sequel trilogy for myself.

The most disappointing element of the ST for me is easily that we never got to see the big three reunite all together. The Luke and Leia scene at the end of TLJ helped a lot with this gaping hole in my heart however haha. Seeing all three together is something that was not necessary, but is just something I wanted to see in the movies and kinda feel bummed about not getting.

I’m curious to hear from you all what are the most disappointing and satisfying elements of the films.