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Post #1195095

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The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released)
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Date created
11-Apr-2018, 9:15 PM

I think some of you guys would enjoy reading The Secret History of Star Wars by Kaminski. He gives a pretty unbiased, investigative look at the creation of both the original and prequel trilogies. I couldn’t stop reading it once I started.

I think one could interpret Rey’s journey to Ach-To as taking longer than it is presented in the film. While it seems like minutes, it could have been anywhere from 24 hours to a few days, even. So instead of the time jump being between films, it could be seen as in between the last scene of TFA and the rest of TFA. This is one reason why I like Neverar’s idea of a “travel montage” for Rey’s journey to Luke.

This question of time is another reason why I think it would be worth attempting to remove any mention of how many hours of fuel the Resistance has left.