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Post #1194792

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The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released)
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Date created
10-Apr-2018, 7:50 PM

Sir Ridley said:

Tobar said:

It’s a nice moment but I’m in favor of cutting it. They were standing right by each other in the map scene and then the very next scene she’s wearing a new outfit, so time has passed. You’re telling me Poe wouldn’t seek out the girl that Finn just almost died trying to rescue? And to top it off he’s in the front of the crowd that sends off Rey as she leaves the base.

I understand that it’s something that Rian wanted to include to make up for one of Abrams many slips but it doesn’t make sense in context. It’s something that should have happened in TFA, even the novelization of TFA had them meet at this time:

“The map.” Rey could only stare in wonder as her eyes wandered over a shining, resplendent portrayal of a substantial portion of the galaxy. “It’s the whole map!”

“Artoo!” C-3PO’s tone was that of a proud relative complimenting a member of his family. “Artoo, you’ve done it!”

Cheers and spontaneous embraces filled the room with so much joy that no one paid any attention to who was hugging what representative of whichever species. Rey and Poe were not excluded, though their sudden, tight clinch of shared excitement led to a moment of mutual awkwardness.

“Uh, hi,” the pilot mumbled. “I’m Poe.”

She nodded slowly, searching his face and finding that she liked it. “I recognize the name. So you’re Poe. Poe Dameron, the X-wing pilot. I’m Rey.”

“I know.” He smiled back, a little more at ease. “Nice to meet you.”

Which is now non-canon and a really weird slip-up for the Story Group to make.

Huh, yeah, that is a bit weird. I wonder if the meeting could be edited into TFA instead.

Leia: “May the Force be with you.”
Rey: (enters Falcon)
Poe: “I’m Poe.”

This must be done.