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Post #1194675

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Date created
10-Apr-2018, 4:22 PM

chyron8472 said:

moviefreakedmind said:

What about ghost sightings?

Regarding ghosts, while I do not understand why there are ghosts here, I do not dispute that they may exist. My thinking is that there isn’t a logical reason why beings ought not to exist on a different plane or dimension or what-have-you that intersects with this one. Or that some part of ourselves can or does exist there or whatever.

Further, I accept the testimony about Christ in the Bible as valid. And the Bible does discuss Christ actually encountering demons and spirits. I don’t know why such beings would be allowed to interact whatsoever with this plane, but I do not dispute that they have and/or may because I validate relevant testimony.

I’ve seen some ghosts and hear them sometimes. I’ve also seen an apparition of the devil once. Granted: I am insane. But I genuinely think that I might have actually seen real spiritual entities. I’m not saying that they were real. I get that they were probably imagined, but I won’t rule out that it was real.

Please make fun of me now.