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Post #1193698

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Date created
8-Apr-2018, 10:06 AM

Dek Rollins said:

Handman said:

TV’s Frink said:

To cross threads, how can I possibly explain how weird it is for Handman to assume the two places people wear baseball hats is at a baseball game and in their own house?

In the context of the 1960s. You mean to tell me if a grown man were to walk around with a baseball cap on his head in the 1960s, people would be able to take him seriously?

Yes, because I’m pretty sure people wore casual clothing occasionally, even in the 1960s.

Yeah, but were baseball caps considered casual clothing or just silly? I think the latter.

Yeah, the 1960s weren’t as formal as people seem to think, especially not the second half.

The Boomers are a whole different issue.

Here’s 1960s casual:

Adults just didn’t wear baseball caps then. At least not to the extent they do now, where the fking President is wearing them.