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Post #1193598

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Date created
7-Apr-2018, 9:44 PM

Dek Rollins said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

I watched Season 2 over this past week. Overall, I don’t quite like it as much as the first. The running gag of Olaf fooling everyone with a flimsy disguise has worn thin by now. I’m not that taken with the darker tone, either. Now perhaps it’s just the writers staying faithful to the source material — I haven’t read the books yet, so I don’t know — but it rankles, regardless.

Those nits picked, the acting and direction and dialogue remain amazing.


I only watched season one, but I didn’t care for this series. Olaf feels like a fan trying to do an impression of Jim Carry and failing. Pretty much every aspect of the movie works better in my opinion.

Sometimes I think you want to fail.

LuckyGungan2001 said:

Dek Rollins said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

I watched Season 2 over this past week. Overall, I don’t quite like it as much as the first. The running gag of Olaf fooling everyone with a flimsy disguise has worn thin by now. I’m not that taken with the darker tone, either. Now perhaps it’s just the writers staying faithful to the source material — I haven’t read the books yet, so I don’t know — but it rankles, regardless.

Those nits picked, the acting and direction and dialogue remain amazing.


I only watched season one, but I didn’t care for this series. Olaf feels like a fan trying to do an impression of Jim Carry and failing. Pretty much every aspect of the movie works better in my opinion.

Agreed, I enjoyed the movie but the series (what I saw of it) was really bad. The little kids were so annoying.