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Post #1193090

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What are you reading?
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Date created
6-Apr-2018, 5:24 PM

chyron8472 said:

It’s not that I dislike science fiction. Ender’s Game is science fiction and I love that.

I guess wasn’t interested in the politics of Dune. Which… as I look at the synopsis on Wiki, seems to be much of the story. There are also a bunch of names and terms, and it was difficult for me to follow.

Granted I was listening and not reading so maybe reading it would have made things easier to track, but my wife said she had difficulty getting into it when she read it.

I would have kept listening had she not said anything, but I still don’t think I would have enjoyed it.

Politics are an aspect of it, but it is (or at least becomes) more an exploration of the philosophical and ethical ramifications of having power than actual politics, if that makes sense.