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Post #1192795

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A Collaborative Star Wars Saga Edit
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Date created
5-Apr-2018, 10:35 PM

I think we should limit our canon to just the 9 films. A trilogy of trilogies. Thankfully Rogue One and Solo are standalone, so we can avoid them entirely without many contradictions. TCW and Rebels, while good parts of the story, are not the main focus and shouldn’t be catered too. We should make the prequel films are good as possible.

That being said, I fear this thread will quickly become a mess. I could go on and on with possible changes from all over the saga. I suggest we start with fixing bigger story contradictions, like Leia remembering her mother. After that we narrow down, focus on the prequel’s overall story and the clone wars origin. Then narrow down further, focus on the individual changes for the TPM, and so on. Then the originals, then the sequels (by then ep 9 will have come out).

I think it’d also be helpful if the OP updated the first post to include a list of all the agreed changes (and editing progress for them) so everyone can know what’s happening easily.

Here are all the major contradictions through the saga I can think of. I think we should focus on inter-trilogy changes first:
–Leia remembers her mother
–Obi-Wan never remembers R2 (fix: “old friend”)
–Your father wanted you to have this (fix: “would’ve wanted”)
–Death Star I takes 19 years, II 3 (fix: cut the cameo in ROTS or use Snooker’s sovereign with his permission)
–Who made the Death Star again? (fix: cut the cameo in AOTC)
–The Jedi wear hermit robes (we probably can change this but worth mentioning)
–Anakin is no “good friend” (fix: edit AOTC throughout and remove temper tantrums)
–The First Order somehow rose from nowhere (fix: end ROTJ without galactic montage, it’s only a major victory not end of the war)
–Luke doesn’t kill Vader but almost murders Ben (how about instead of him attacking that causes the rise of darkness, it’s his refusal to fight the rising darkness which is more true to his character)
–Snoke (fix: Darth Plaguies)
–The rebels didn’t accomplish anything (fix: merge the resistance and new republic… leia is commanding a regiment in the outer rim)