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Post #1192525

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Date created
5-Apr-2018, 2:27 PM

There were a couple of clinkers in there šŸ˜‰ though I did enjoy the more character-based stories - a little more believably as to their decisions/actions - though it did result in playing it safe story-wise for a couple of episodes.

I do wonder if itā€™s to do more with how PKDā€™s stories have become staples over the years - with lots of homages paid to them in other sci-fi stories - which then dilute PKDā€™s efforts themselvesā€¦

I enjoyed the last season of Black Mirror - but hope Brooker takes a few more chances in the next season - to mix things up and give a little more uncertainty (maybe more shock/surprise value?) - some episodes did feel a bit ā€˜sameyā€™ as to what had come before.