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Post #1192280

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A Collaborative Star Wars Saga Edit
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Date created
4-Apr-2018, 10:49 PM

RogueLeader said:

NeverarGreat said:

Having strict continuity between all films is a good place to start with this idea, but could the idea be extended to apply to character actions and plot issues?

For example, in AOTC there are some real issues with characters acting inconsistently like when Obi-wan jumps out an open window after urging restraint in the previous scene.

I have a few other ideas like this for Episode 2, and in a collaborative thread we could probably come up with many more. It would probably help to have separate threads for each movie.

I’ve thought a lot about this too!

Eventually I came to the thought that maybe Obi-Wan is a little more reckless than he likes to believe. He wants to be the perfect master for Anakin, but he was only 25 when he became Anakin’s Master, and he might be more brash like Qui-Gon than he thinks he is. So when he says, “I hate it when he does that”, I take it more as he hates when Anakin shows that he has inherited more of Obi-Wan’s more reckless traits than he would like, like jumping out of a window. I think making Obi-Wan choose to train Anakin rather than being forced to by Qui-Gon’s dying wishes could help with this as well.

That’s at least one interpretation, but regardless you do bring up good points about some of their antics in this scene being a little outlandish. But these kind of questions would be good for discussion! I would to talk about your other ideas too. And maybe separate threads for each movie would be a good idea. I guess I could put links to each thread in the first post of this one?

Yeah, this would be a good ‘catch all’ thread for saga-spanning ideas, but I expect most of the changes would be contained to the single film.

I suppose one of the big questions out of the gate is whether this project would use deleted scenes, even if they were in standard definition. AOTC’s deleted scenes really improve the story.

I’ll hold off on making more movie-specific suggestions until there are threads for them, but in broad strokes for the prequel trilogy I’d like to see a more cohesive narrative with more understandable characters, even if it means taking some dramatic measures to achieve, since cutting the things that don’t work can take you only so far. I’m thinking along the lines of subtitling the Neimoidians and writing/performing entirely new lines for Jar Jar. Maybe giving more story importance to Naboo (that huge generator room should really have some purpose), and generally finding ways of framing the unfortunate aspects of the trilogy in ways that negate their terribleness.

I feel like the OT and ST are of lesser importance, simply because there’s less obviously wrong and there’s currently a horde of editors at work on TLJ.