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Post #1190617

TV's Frink
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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
31-Mar-2018, 6:56 PM

Jay said:

Gothamknight said:

DominicCobb said:
I think a big part of it must be the expectations thing. As evidenced by GothamKnight’s post, if you were expecting something after TFA and didn’t get exactly that, there might be a disconnect for you personally, even if in reality the two films actually fit very well together.


Why is this the operating assumption of TLJ apologists? It’s not that I or other critics were expecting particular answers or resolutions. It’s that we were expecting . . . answers or resolves, or even just new information, of any kind, as long it was a plausible, natural progression from TFA.

So for example, let’s say I was speculating, like many, that Rey was a Skywalker. It’s not that I was disappointed, much less upset, that she wasn’t a Skywalker; that didn’t have to be the explanation for Rey’s Force-prowess. The problem is that TLJ provided no explanation for it; therefore it provided no natural or logical progression from TFA.

I get tired of the apologists arguing that critics are whining about “not getting what they wanted” in terms of specific plot developments. We just wanted . . . plot developments.

I agree with many of your criticisms, but you’d get less pushback if you didn’t refer to TLJ’s fans as apologists — not because the label is incorrect

It’s not? In what way would you say it’s correct?