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Post #1190604

Dek Rollins
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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place
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Date created
31-Mar-2018, 6:40 PM

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

Dek Rollins said:

Though I don’t care enough to see if those studies were conclusive.

They aren’t. But to the larger point, what kind of world would that be? I think it’s great that we can all like different things and lead our lives.

For instance, I despise light beer, but I’ve never ended a friendship because someone ordered a pitcher of Miller Lite at happy hour.

A world without diet soda wouldn’t be that different. But I also don’t really care what other people drink. It’s none of my business. But, that doesn’t mean I can’t think drinking diet pop, or beer of any kind, or buttermilk, is dumb.