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Post #1189659

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The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit Ideas thread
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Date created
29-Mar-2018, 6:18 PM

DominicCobb said:

I have to say adding back “Luke has a Moment” seems like a mistake to me, as it throws off the whole structure if you cut back to Leia there.

I’m curious to see if people can fix the minor technical issues in the jacket scene, the one where BB-8 shows the hologram, the caretaker scenes, the extended Supremacy incursion, and the scene where Finn and Rose head to Crait.

“Luke Has a Moment” definitely requires a restructure, which is what I spent most of last night doing. That scene cuts straight into Leia on the ship. I then added the “Jacket scene” which cuts to Poe and Leia’s altercation. After she says “Dead heroes, no leaders” there’s a few seconds hold on Poe’s face, which I used to wipe back to Ach-To to see Luke’s daily routine. That sequence plays out to the end of their conversation in the Jedi Library and then wipe from Rey’s face back to Finn looking at the display asking how Rey will be able to find them.

It’s not perfect, but it works pretty seamlessly. I think the trade-off is worth it.

By technical issues, are you talking mostly sound? I didn’t notice anything else wrong with the “Jacket scene”.