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Post #1187795

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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
26-Mar-2018, 4:33 AM

No, you’re reading it wrong.

The prequels ‘balance of the force’ wasn’t between light side and dark side - of course not, there were a multitude of jedi and only two sith (which the jedi didn’t even know about). That’s impossible. Total misinterpretation, and implies the Jedi were actively trying to fulfil a prophecy that would cull their numbers and grow the sith - WTF, of course not.

Balance in the PT was related to ‘steadiness’ - the word balance doesn’t just mean opposing weights on a scale, it also relates to remaining upright and not falling. The opposite of turmoil. THIS is the PT definition. It is the only definition that makes any sense given the numbers of jedi and the numbers of sith.

You’ve also missed that fact that the first of the Sequel trilogy is called The Force Awakens. There has been an awakening, have you felt it? There is no ‘monkey wrench’, it’s all there on screen and hardly rocket science. Rey’s aptitude is explained, the Force has awoken since the OT, the situation has changed. Keep up!