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Post #1187726

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
25-Mar-2018, 9:58 PM

TV’s Frink said:

moviefreakedmind said:

TV’s Frink said:

That’s called “small sample size.”

It’s still an entire community. Granted, it’s in a shithole part of this country so that was probably part of the problem, but you posted this article as though it’s supposed to educate people on how they’re privileged because they are supposed to be statistically more likely to be better off. When they’re living a shit life surrounded by other people living shit lives it’s completely impossible to find the writing of a New York Times writer and the rich white people that share the article compelling.

You’ve missed the point completely. But I give up.

Actually, I’m not done with this shit yet. Tell me what the goddam point was that I completely missed. I don’t like being treated like a moronic child that’s incapable of reason that just needs to be given up on. I’m fully capable of reading and I gathered from the article that black people statistically are more likely to be disadvantaged and it can’t be purely blamed on class inequality because black people, and black men in particular, are more likely to be stuck in poverty and also more likely to slide back into poverty if they escape it, whereas white people have a better chance of escaping because of better schools, etc. etc. I got all of that, and didn’t disregard it. (In fact, you could say I got the fucking point perfectly.) I merely added that for people already trapped in poverty beyond any means of escape, there is no privilege. If you’re a white kid who is in poverty but lives in a good school district, then you have white privilege and might even lead a less shitty life than your parents, but if you’re already trapped in a shit-ass life, then there is no escape, no matter what your skin color is. My only point was that white privilege is meaningless when you look at families that live in shit, drug-addled towns and neighborhoods. White privilege is meaningless to the uneducated trailer-park crowd. It’s meaningless to the single-mom of three kids at age 22. Those people have a next to zero percent chance at social mobility, regardless of how white they are. For those people and people like them (white or not), social mobility is something that will never happen and might as well be a myth. I figured that this would be common knowledge, but I guess not because some people are still confused.