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Post #1187702

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
25-Mar-2018, 8:38 PM

TV’s Frink said:

moviefreakedmind said:

TV’s Frink said:

That’s called “small sample size.”

It’s still an entire community. Granted, it’s in a shithole part of this country so that was probably part of the problem, but you posted this article as though it’s supposed to educate people on how they’re privileged because they are supposed to be statistically more likely to be better off. When they’re living a shit life surrounded by other people living shit lives it’s completely impossible to find the writing of a New York Times writer and the rich white people that share the article compelling.

You’ve missed the point completely. But I give up.

Fuck that, I didn’t miss anything. I’m explaining to you why people in poverty don’t appreciate or care about statistical evidence of how privileged they are. I didn’t even disregard the race angle. I actually empathize with impoverished black people. I’ve lived in poverty before and I’ve lived in shit parts of town before, and still kind of do. My point is that, yes, white people who aren’t impoverished and trying to raise five kids from their low-wage unskilled labor are privileged, but the white people (and people in general) who are in those shit situations are just as trapped as anyone else. If you live in a shit area, have kids, and didn’t get a degree in one of the few fields that can actually get you a decent job, then you’re fucked, and all this talk of statistics and numbers and chances of working up the social ladder don’t mean jack shit.