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Post #1187425

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Pirates of the Caribbean and the Political Correctness Craze
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Date created
25-Mar-2018, 12:00 AM

Dek Rollins said:

DominicCobb said:

Dek Rollins said:

chyron8472 said:

Giving George all the artistic credit for the OT vastly overlooks the many people on staff at the time who overrode ideas of his that would have ruined the films.

The OT was built out of more talented people bringing a good end product from George’s ever-changing vision for the story. The PT was built out of George’s (still ever-changing and seemingly unfinished) personal vision being controlled by himself alone because nobody else wanted to take the helm from him. Both were still built around his artistic vision, the thing that brought the OT to perfection was that everyone else added their own vision into George’s.

DominicCobb said:

moviefreakedmind said:

I didn’t give the prequels a pass. I just said they are slightly less soulless.

I would argue the opposite because their writer/directors are people who actually care about making Star Wars.

chyron8472 said:

moviefreakedmind said:

I didn’t give the prequels a pass. I just said they are slightly less soulless.

I’m not sure though how working for Disney automatically leads JJ Abrams, Gareth Edwards, Rian Johnson, or Ron Howard (among the many others involved) to create soulless works.

The Disney films are the director’s vision being made with massive amounts of input from Disney/LFL overlords who don’t care about Star Wars. They care about money. George Lucas cared about money and his personal vision of Star Wars. I also might argue that Rian Johnson doesn’t care about Star Wars, but I don’t know how much of TLJ was interference from the studio heads, and I actually don’t want to argue about that because it would amount to flinging basement cat poo. I also don’t like JJ Abrams (as a filmmaker).

You don’t have to tell me you don’t know much, that’s plainly evident. Don’t talk about shit you know nothing about.

Could you phrase this as an actual response to my opinions? Because I have no idea what you’re referring to, and I also see no reason for the overall insulting tone.

I guess I’m just tired of people making ridiculous proclamations based on nothing more than speculation and the opinions of other cynical nerds on the internet.

If you want me to be specific, there’s been basically zero evidence of interference by Disney “overlords.” Everything anyone has said has been that Disney is pretty hands off with their subsidiaries, which actually just makes sense, put the trust in the creators to make good stuff and the money will follow. When studios interfere (like Fox did for awhile), you usually get bad results. Studios aren’t stupid.

Also, there’s no such thing as LFL “overlords.” Kennedy is the CEO but she’s also the producer on these films, which means not only is she allowed to be involved creatively, she is supposed to be. There’s also the story group, which is literally just a team of writers that the filmmakers can use to brainstorm with. Everything anyone has ever said about the team at LFL has been positive and in no way are they forcing input, just offering it. You could say “ah bullshit, they’re just lying,” though if you think about it that doesn’t really make sense. Obviously if you had an unpleasant experience you’re not going to be open about it and badmouth your employers, but you’re also not going to go out of your way to make up nice things about them. Also, it’s tough to lie when there are so many people involved with these movies talking about them. People on the internet make up so much shit about how these movies were made without doing any research. Most of it is documented in the “Art of” books.

As for what I was referring to in your post specifically, you said that Rian Johnson doesn’t care about Star Wars but you implied maybe the things you didn’t like it were studio interference, then you said you don’t know much about the subject, which I think is obvious. If you’ve read literally any interview with the man, you’d know he loves Star Wars. This is even clearer in his longer form interviews, and in the aforementioned “Art of” books (I imagine it’s obvious in the behind the scenes stuff too). Saying TLJ might’ve been the victim of studio interference is demonstrably untrue, when there’s literally a quote out there from Johnson explaining why he did what on pretty much every decision made on the film.

Also, there’s an incredibly obvious argument as to why you know Disney didn’t “interfere,” and how you know the big decisions were being made by the filmmakers. Do you really think they would’ve done that to Luke? Fuck no. If this was the meddling money grubbing conglomerate you guys claim, we would’ve gotten exactly what the fans “wanted”: https://twitter.com/EnnieArdi/status/976181971578707968

Dek Rollins said:

chyron8472 said:

Dek Rollins said:

The Disney films are the director’s vision being made with massive amounts of input from Disney/LFL overlords who don’t care about Star Wars.

Citation needed.

Would you prefer Solo to be directed by people who turn Han into a lovably comical rogue, or to have KK step in and replace them with a director who will do justice to the character?

I would prefer that Disney allows the people who they hired in the first place to make the picture they feel works best. And maybe I’m wrong about the studio execs not caring about Star Wars, and I apologize for making baseless claims, but I’m not getting any glimpses of the contrary from what has been happening with the new films.

Kennedy hired them, not Disney. Kennedy is the producer, she has the creative right to fire them, whether justified or not.

Also, just because you don’t like the movies they’ve made doesn’t mean your speculations are right. Baselessly blaming “studio interference” for everything is a completely sophomoric way of looking at things.