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Post #1187411

Dek Rollins
Parent topic
Pirates of the Caribbean and the Political Correctness Craze
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Date created
24-Mar-2018, 11:36 PM

chyron8472 said:

Dek Rollins said:

The Disney films are the director’s vision being made with massive amounts of input from Disney/LFL overlords who don’t care about Star Wars.

Citation needed.

Would you prefer Solo to be directed by people who turn Han into a lovably comical rogue, or to have KK step in and replace them with a director who will do justice to the character?

I would prefer that Disney allows the people who they hired in the first place to make the picture they feel works best. And maybe I’m wrong about the studio execs not caring about Star Wars, and I apologize for making baseless claims, but I’m not getting any glimpses of the contrary from what has been happening with the new films.