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Post #1187409

Dek Rollins
Parent topic
Pirates of the Caribbean and the Political Correctness Craze
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Date created
24-Mar-2018, 11:32 PM

DominicCobb said:

Dek Rollins said:

chyron8472 said:

Giving George all the artistic credit for the OT vastly overlooks the many people on staff at the time who overrode ideas of his that would have ruined the films.

The OT was built out of more talented people bringing a good end product from George’s ever-changing vision for the story. The PT was built out of George’s (still ever-changing and seemingly unfinished) personal vision being controlled by himself alone because nobody else wanted to take the helm from him. Both were still built around his artistic vision, the thing that brought the OT to perfection was that everyone else added their own vision into George’s.

DominicCobb said:

moviefreakedmind said:

I didn’t give the prequels a pass. I just said they are slightly less soulless.

I would argue the opposite because their writer/directors are people who actually care about making Star Wars.

chyron8472 said:

moviefreakedmind said:

I didn’t give the prequels a pass. I just said they are slightly less soulless.

I’m not sure though how working for Disney automatically leads JJ Abrams, Gareth Edwards, Rian Johnson, or Ron Howard (among the many others involved) to create soulless works.

The Disney films are the director’s vision being made with massive amounts of input from Disney/LFL overlords who don’t care about Star Wars. They care about money. George Lucas cared about money and his personal vision of Star Wars. I also might argue that Rian Johnson doesn’t care about Star Wars, but I don’t know how much of TLJ was interference from the studio heads, and I actually don’t want to argue about that because it would amount to flinging basement cat poo. I also don’t like JJ Abrams (as a filmmaker).

You don’t have to tell me you don’t know much, that’s plainly evident. Don’t talk about shit you know nothing about.

Could you phrase this as an actual response to my opinions? I see no reason for the overall insulting tone. My apology is below.