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Post #1187380

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Pirates of the Caribbean and the Political Correctness Craze
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Date created
24-Mar-2018, 10:25 PM

TV’s Frink said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Possessed said:

Why do you find specifically Disney’s treatment of star wars so bad compared to before? We didn’t have the oot then either, so yes that’s bad but it’s not something Disney put in place. And I understand you don’t like the sequel trilogy and while I do I understand people not liking it but I don’t see how anybody could rationally say they aren’t better than the prequels. Even if they are less original than the prequels, they are way more competently made.

I can appreciate that the prequels at least came from somewhere that wasn’t a corporate board-room meeting. Rogue One being almost entirely reshot is an example of the soulless corporate meddling and the lack of any real vision.

I swear, some people see “Disney” anywhere on the product and just automatically assume the corporate suits made the whole thing while the actual filmmakers were locked in the janitor’s closet.


I think it’s unfair to blanketly label anything remotely under the umbrella of Disney as soulless. And it overlooks a lot to give the Prequels a pass simply because their particular board room meetings had George Lucas and what amounted to a collection of yes-men.

Giving George all the artistic credit for the OT vastly overlooks the many people on staff at the time who overrode ideas of his that would have ruined the films.