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Post #1187228

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Pirates of the Caribbean and the Political Correctness Craze
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Date created
24-Mar-2018, 12:08 PM

Possessed said:

Why do you find specifically Disney’s treatment of star wars so bad compared to before? We didn’t have the oot then either, so yes that’s bad but it’s not something Disney put in place. And I understand you don’t like the sequel trilogy and while I do I understand people not liking it but I don’t see how anybody could rationally say they aren’t better than the prequels. Even if they are less original than the prequels, they are way more competently made.

I can appreciate that the prequels at least came from somewhere that wasn’t a corporate board-room meeting. Rogue One being almost entirely reshot is an example of the soulless corporate meddling and the lack of any real vision. I get that the films are more competently made, but there’s nothing particularly interesting, memorable, or stylistic about the technical aspects so it doesn’t mean too much to me since I find the Disney movies at least as boring as the PT. I also think that the PT was slightly more creative than the new movies, and that means something to me.