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Post #1186855

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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
23-Mar-2018, 11:37 AM

DrDre said:

oojason said:

Some intriguing thoughts and takes on TLJ in here (and about the current state of movie commentary)…

‘Star Wars Fans don’t deserve The Last Jedi’:-


(The comments section is well worth a read after the article too)

This article makes me sad.

"“Star Wars Fans” are conditioned to be dumb consumers.”

A term which of course only applies to the critics of TLJ…

“The Star Wars fan community is largely defined by its immaturity and childish nature. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing — it’s fun to play with toys and get dressed up as your favorite characters and make pew pew sounds. But this is also key to understanding the backlash to The Last Jedi. The movie’s fundamental sin is that it’s a movie, not just a toy commercial.”

The detractors just wanted a toy commercial, while TLJ’s fans, sophisticated that they are, appreciate “real” movies. The comment section pretty much sums up the us versus them mentality that this article revels in. This is really…really… not good.

In the context of the whole article - including this towards the end…

‘*Note: Obviously #NotAllStarWarsFans. But in the digital fandom era there has emerged a nebulous hivemind that drives “the narrative.” Whether one guy was responsible for The Last Jedi’s bad RT score became irrelevant when the story took on a life of its own and spun into the popular consciousness. The fact remains: there is a lot of negative criticism of The Last Jedi in the toxic movie criticism culture as it exists on YouTube and various fan sites. And it is that toxicity that has not only missed the point of the movie, but is actively hurting the fan community dynamic.’