I created a “Hybrid Cut” of Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers using the Blu-rays of the theatrical cut and Producer’s Cut. I spent a lot of time comparing them and used the parts that I thought worked best about each version.
Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers Blu-ray (theatrical cut)
Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers Blu-ray (Producer’s Cut)
Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers Expanded Soundtrack (for one particular scene where I wanted to use the sound design of the theatrical cut with the music from the Producer’s Cut).
If anyone is interested in seeing this cut, please send me a PM. You must own the official Blu-rays of both versions!
Here are the details of my cut:
-Before the movie starts I inserted a shot of Loomis saying “I knew what he was, but I never knew why.” This shot was in the trailer but was cut out of both versions of the film. I always liked it so I decided to use it as a little intro.
- Opening title sequence is from P-Cut mixed with opening credits from T-Cut so that it goes by quicker.
- In the opening flashback from the P-Cut I removed the voiceover of the Man in Black saying “Jamie, come to me” and the shot of Michael being pulled into the van. These seemed a bit silly to me.
- All of the extra Loomis scenes from the P-Cut are used (except for the end).
- Music from both cuts is used.
- All death scenes are from the T-Cut (except for Jamie’s).
- I removed all the “flash cut” editing from the T-Cut.
- The scene where Jamie walks around at the bus stop has audio from the theatrical cut combined with music from the P-Cut. I ripped this piece of music from the soundtrack and added it in because in the P-Cut there’s also a lot of sounds of the baby crying which is kind of annoying.
- I used the T-Cut for the scene when Jamie walks around in the barn and sees Michael lit up by flashes of lightning and disappears, then I switched to the P-Cut so that Michael stabs her instead of drilling her to death.
- I used the extended breakfast scene from the P-Cut and then switched to the T-Cut when Kara’s dad slaps her because I thought it was creepier for Danny to hold the knife to his grandpa’s stomach without hearing “the voice” or seeing Michael outside.
- I fixed the part in the breakfast scene when Mrs. Strode mispronounces Kara’s name. She says “Kar-uh” instead of “Kare-uh.” I replaced it using audio from a later scene where she says it correctly.
- The song “And Fools Shine On” plays during the college scene and end credits.
- During Jamie’s flashback/dream sequence, I removed the shot that shows Michael about to impregnate her and replaced it with other footage, so now it’s a mystery who the father is (or maybe the baby is the result of a genetic experiment which is suggested at the end of the T-Cut).
- I used the P-Cut version of the scene when Michael chases Kara and Danny as they run away from the Myers house, which has the more traditional “Shape Stalks” music instead of the electric guitar, but I added in the shots from the T-Cut that show Michael lit up by flashes of lightning as he chases them.
- The dialogue near the end between Wynn and Loomis in Wynn’s office is from the P-Cut, but I removed Wynn’s line “We’ve given him the power, the gift of Thorn” and replaced it with “Evil, pure, uncorrupted, ancient” from the T-Cut. I like this line better because it suggests that Michael was always evil and Wynn discovered his evil at some point. In the P-Cut it’s explained that the cult is the reason Michael became a murderer, which I’m not a fan of.
- The whole hospital climax is taken from the theatrical cut. The only difference is that at the very end when it shows the Myers house and jack-o-lantern, I used the P-Cut because I like the slow version of the Halloween theme that was used.
- End credits start out with the P-Cut then switch to the T-Cut so that everyone who worked on the film gets credit, regardless of which version they worked on.
I primarily used the footage from the Producer’s Cut because it’s better quality and looks more natural than the theatrical cut. Also, since the two versions have different color grading, I didn’t want to switch back and forth because it might look strange, so a lot of the theatrical cut scenes are actually the Producer’s Cut mixed with the audio from the theatrical cut. Some of these scenes are a little bit longer in the Producer’s Cut so I had to edit them so that they’d match the theatrical cut. I only used the theatrical cut footage when I didn’t have a choice. I spent a lot of time making sure everything flowed smoothly, like blending the audio so that it’s not noticeable when it switches from one version to the other.