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Post #1184815

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Date created
19-Mar-2018, 2:38 PM

Malcolm X (1992) - Not the kind of film that usually gets made for a figure like this, but it is the one that he deserves. A great, nuanced epic for a great and complex man. Denzel is amazing, obviously. A-

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) - Somehow this was still playing in theaters, and I’d heard it was better than expected, and me and a friend had nothing else going on, so why not? Actually an entirely enjoyable experience. Another one of those rare, good recent mainstream comedies. B

Rush Hour 2 (2001) - Barely a movie, more like a collection of fight scenes and Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker hanging out. Watchable, I suppose. C

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) - There being a new Tomb Raider movie, I got kind of curious about the past ones. But you know what they say about curiosity. This is also barely a movie, utterly ridiculous in every way, though not often in a fun way, unfortunately. D

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - The Cradle of Life (2003) - Much better in some ways than the first, though worse in others. At least it feels like it’s telling a story, however dumb. D+

Doom (2005) - Couple different factors brought me here, namely wanting some more of the Rock after Jumanji, and wondering about other video game adaptations. I’d heard this was infamously bad, but I was surprised to learn it’s actually not all that terrible, and almost fun in spots. C-

The Rundown (2003) - More early Dwayne Johnson. Pretty enjoyable, though nothing too special. C+

A Wrinkle in Time (2018) - Really like the story they were going for, even if it doesn’t ultimately cohere in any effective way. Still, some great visuals and an amazing performance from the lead. C+

Weird Science (1985) - Weird is definitely the right word. D+

The Land Before Time (1988) - Would have been a great movie if the dinosaurs didn’t talk. C+

Tomb Raider (2018) - Thankfully much better than the previous entries in almost every way, especially the lead actress. Takes way too long to get to the adventuring though, I honestly don’t care that much why Lara Croft raids tombs, I just want to see her do it. Walton Goggins is wasted too, though this is emblematic of a larger problem of the movie taking itself too seriously. C+

Hardcore Henry (2016) - Less a movie and more a 90 minute experimental live action first person shooter video. Some crazy shit in there to keep things interesting, but not much more. C