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Post #1183392

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The Scifi Films and Television of 2018
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Date created
15-Mar-2018, 2:40 PM

DominicCobb said:

“Everything” is a little hyperbolic

Not really. The script was horrible. The story was a jumbled mess and the characters are hollow shells of their original novel counterparts. The dialog is some of the worst I’ve heard in years. The performances were near universally awful. The only decent one was by Chris Pine and he’s barely in the film. The special effects are terrible, the designs are cartoonish and the compositing is some of the worst I’ve ever seen in a major motion picture. The costumes were laughably bad, they and this film look like a TV special.

I have never walked out on a film before but I almost did halfway through this. The only reason I didn’t was that my theater won’t refund you if you’ve watched more than a half hour.