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Post #1182152

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
12-Mar-2018, 6:19 PM

Warbler said:

yhwx said:

Warbler said:

yhwx said:

Warbler said:

yhwx said:

Warbler said:

yhwx said:

Warbler said:

yhwx said:

Warbler said:

dahmage said:

Warbler said:

suspiciouscoffee said:

Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

Warbler said:

Mrebo said:

Warbler said:

Well the left leaning bias is on full display here. I have no doubt if a major Republican politician claimed to be part Native American and didn’t look anything like a Native American, people in here would be saying take a DNA test or fess up.

I don’t know if people in here would be saying that but I’m pretty sure there would be plenty of mocking.

On the topic of bias and arguments, this article on “progressive hostility” looks compelling. I’ve only read a little of it but I’ve heard similar complaints from people I know.

When I disagree with a conservative friend or colleague on some political issue, I have no fear of speaking my mind. I talk, they listen, they respond, I talk some more, and at the end of it we get along just as we always have. But I’ve discovered that when a progressive friend says something with which I disagree or that I know to be incorrect, I’m hesitant to point it out.


Ah yes, only Conservatives are rational. Yay.

that is not what I said.

You quoted an article that said that, and proclaimed it “truth.”

I quoted part of the article and proclaimed it “truth”.

The part I quoted does not say that only Conservatives are rational.

Let’s look back:

When I disagree with a conservative friend or colleague on some political issue, I have no fear of speaking my mind. I talk, they listen, they respond, I talk some more, and at the end of it we get along just as we always have.

In short, Conservatives are rational.

But I’ve discovered that when a progressive friend says something with which I disagree or that I know to be incorrect, I’m hesitant to point it out.

Or; I won’t argue with progressives because I fear they are not rational.

interesting interpretation.

Seems like the only interpretation to me. How did you interpret it?

That some Liberals take disagreement more personally. That some Liberals are more offended by disagreement.

Yeah, whole bunch of snowflakes, amirite or amirite?

oh ffs.

Isn’t that basically what you said?


Tell me how.

taking disagreement more personally and/or being more offended by disagreement does not = being a snowflake. At least not in my book.

In your book, what does being a snowflake mean?

I assumed by snowflake you meant someone who was wimpy and/or cowardly and/or weak and/or something like that, and that is not what I meant by any of my comments.

Alright. The prosecution rests.

For now.

Why do you see yourself as some sort of Prosecutor and me as some sort of Defendant?

He’s joking, Warb.

And “snowflake” in this context means someone who thinks they’re unique and special and therefore are always right about everything.