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Post #1182020

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
12-Mar-2018, 1:46 PM

Mrebo said:

DominicCobb said:

Mrebo said:

Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda said:

My grandmother for years said we were like 1/32 native american… something about her having a grandmother named “Hawk” or some such. Well, my sister just took a test and it turns out we have absolutely zero native american DNA. Apparently this is a common story.

Doesn’t mean you don’t have a Native ancestor that far back but at that point the amount inherited can be negligible/undetectable. And that grandmother’s grandmother might have only been half, making less likely to find. It’s even possible to have no DNA from an ancestor (which seems paradoxical). There is a lot of pride taken in the possibility of a Native ancestor.

So you’re saying even if Warren took the test and had no Native DNA, she still might have a Native ancestor? If that’s the case, why would she risk seeming wrong even if she isn’t?

Exactly right. And what dahmage said. Might behoove her to give an apology for at least overselling/exploiting her possible heritage. She did embarrassing things in that regard. She doesn’t want this to persist as a symbol of an overall character of dishonesty. Some people will never let go of it but whatchya gonna do.

It just seems like a weird situation. She put down that she was part Cherokee decades ago. It was only brought up again recently because of her political opponents. When it was, she explained how her parents always told her she was part Native. So what is she supposed to do now? What is she supposed to apologize for? Wouldn’t saying sorry imply that she lied? Even if she did lie, it’d be silly to admit as much. This is a situation where it’s very easy to believe that her parents told her this.

As Catbus noted, there’s basically no way to escape a 'ghazi like this.