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Post #1179003

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Date created
5-Mar-2018, 1:42 AM

Mrebo said:

DominicCobb said:

Mrebo said:

DominicCobb said:

Never cut my own hair before, but randomly decided to have a go at it today. Actually came out pretty good.

You went for the Admiral Holdo look didn’t you?

I said I cut it, not colored it.

But yes.

I just assumed it was already purple. Whatever color it is, that is a good look for anyone. Just got to be careful or a few slips of the scissors could leave you looking like Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka. Not that that wouldn’t look good too.

Yeah but his suit was purple, not his hair, so I think I’d be good.

I should also state, for the record, that my hair isn’t curly.