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Post #1176207

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Date created
25-Feb-2018, 5:25 PM

Darth Lucas said:

DominicCobb said:

Darth Lucas said:

DominicCobb said:

Telion said:

Matt.F said:

RE: Editing / jumps between the three sequences of ROTJ’s climax.

I recently listened to a Rian Johnson podcast where he spoke about editing TLJ

Why would you use TLJ as a source for editing tips? I don’t want this to turn into a slag off session of TLJ but apart of some question plot decisions (Leia flying), the editing department was what really let the movie down.
Now I liked the climactic battle between Ray, Kylo and the guards but I hated that every time I got invested in it, it cut away. If you are going to cut from a tense moment, it’s best to cut to another tense moment and keep going back and forth regularly to give a sense of urgency. Other wise you should leave it to play out in full, but that is less effective if the situation is meant to be a climax, as it makes it makes it appear to happen sequentially rather than concurrently.

Oh my god, thanks so much for your valuable insight. What would adywan have done without you? Thought that TLJ was good? Try to change ROTJ to be better? You’re a real hero!

The rude sarcasm seems a bit uncalled for.

Agree to disagree!

This just doesn’t seem the thread for someone’s hot takes on a movie that isn’t the movie being discussed here.

He was using said movie to explain his position on re-editing the movie being discussed here. It wasn’t off topic and was directly responding to the discussion. There’s no need to be rude because someone doesn’t share your subjective opinion.


JEDIT: To clarify, I disagree with your assessment of what he was doing. Or certainly how he managed to do it.