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Post #1175766

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The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released)
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Date created
24-Feb-2018, 4:25 PM

Hal 9000 said:

As I think on it, I anticipate removing Phasma from TLJ altogether. The film is overstuffed, and Phasma already had a plausible “out” in TFA. She was not necessary to the story of TLJ at all, and cutting her material allows for a much easier removal of some problematic Finn, Rose, and BB8 stuff.
It will depend on whether it can be pulled off. I’m pretty sure it would require some visual FX work to remove her from several shots, since she is present for an extended scene as DJ sells out the Resistance and Finn and Rose are prepared for execution.

If it’s doable, this is what I’d prefer, but I am far from certain it would be.

You can still keep in her in it and just axe her fight with Finn. That’s what I plan to do. She catches them, orders their execution and then the ship gets sliced in half, then Finn and Rose escape.

It’s far easier than removing her entirely and I think still serves the same goal.