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Post #1174914

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
22-Feb-2018, 11:23 PM

moviefreakedmind said:

Jeebus said:

Warbler said:

Jeebus said:

Warbler said:

Also, I don’t think I’d feel very safe around an armed guard, I’d probably feel less safe then I would without a guard. People with guns make me nervous, not because I’m afraid of guns, but because I can never know if they’re going to use them or what they’re going to use them for.

Ok, I will give this a real response.

Thank you, I appreciate it.

I don’t know why an armed cop would make you nervous. He/she has the gun in case the worst happened. As long as you behave yourself, you don’t need to worry.

I don’t trust that all cops will be totally sane/rational. If the guards were “extremely well trained and extensively background checked,” as you said, I think I’d be less averse to the idea. That said, I think “trained and background checked” is too vague to really have a discussion about, and it seems to me that it’s rooted in a ‘perfect world’ ideal without really considering how it would be done and how feasible it is.

obviously, a lot more details would need to be ironed out before going ahead with this.

I’m not saying that a cop is going to shoot a student (though I don’t doubt that it would happen), just that people with guns put me on edge.

And when you say “behave yourself,” what does that mean?

Obey direct orders from cops

Kids? Obeying direct orders? Doesn’t compute. And again, what happens if they don’t?

I’ll tell you what happens. They get detained, pepper-sprayed, arrested, or have the shit beat out of them. At worst they may get shot to death. Every year there is a far too high number of school-aged kids that get shot to death by police.

Oh brother. You’re so prejudice against the cops, there is no point talking to you about this.

Warbler said:

Don’t try to kill any students, teachers or others

Obviously the dangerous people aren’t going to follow this rule.

Well if someone tries to kill a student or teacher or someone else, don’t you think the cop should stop that? Or should the cop just stand there and let them kill the student or teacher or someone else.

Don’t carry deadly weapons

Again, the dangerous people won’t follow this rule,

no kidding. But but someone carries a deadly weapon into school, don’t you want to cops to intervene?

but that doesn’t even matter since cops treat everybody as though they’re potentially carrying dangerous weapons.

well they could be. Small guns are easy to conceal. I once saw video where that looked normal, started pulling out guns that he had concealed. Turns out he had like 6 of them or so.

That’s why so many unarmed people get shot to death by police. The excuse is always, “He could’ve been armed.”

and of of course it has nothing to do with ignoring repeated orders and warning from cops, right? It has nothing to do with people acting stupidly in an encounter and making a sudden motion like they are pulling a weapon right? Yeah, you’ll say they should wait and make sure it is a gun. Trouble is they do that, and if it is a gun, they can’t stop it in time and you get a dead cop.

Obey direct orders from cops


Because they cops giving lawful orders? Because sometimes they are giving orders in order to protect you and others? Because sometimes they know what they are doing in a dire situation where you the untrained civilian does not?

So they don’t shoot me to death? If I’m obeying the law then their direct orders can go to hell.

What about emergency situation like an active shooter?

Sometime in such situations a cop doesn’t have time to explain why he wants you do something.

I’m a law-abiding taxpayer.

that doesn’t exempt you from having to obey lawfully given orders.

The cops theoretically are here to serve people like me.

How will they serve you best? by people refusing to do what they are told in an emergency? or doing what the cops tell them and thus help the cops keep everyone safe.

A lot of direct orders from cops are violations of your rights.

In your opinion. btw, such can be sorted out in a court of law.

You don’t have to let them search you or your car or your property (assuming they don’t have a warrant),

actually sometimes you do. like if they hear someone screaming for help from the trunk of your car. Or if they hear shooting and then realize you smell of gun power.

you don’t have to answer their questions if you don’t want to, etc. etc. I don’t like this idea that the cops are our overlords that we just need to obey if we don’t want to be harmed by them.

oh ffs.

I don’t want cops in schools. If I had kids then I would not send them to a school that was under this police-state form of martial law, even if that meant I had to home-school them. This nonsense cannot be allowed to happen.

No, what can’t allowed to happen is more shooting like the one in Florida. But please continue to let your prejudice of cops get in the way of saving kids lives.

We need to solve this country’s gun problem the right way rather than fight it with more guns.

If the right way is to ban guns, its not going to happen. Too much opposition from the right.

Don’t let anyone use these tragedies to turn the US into a police state.

having cops in our schools does not equal a police state.