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Post #1174856

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
22-Feb-2018, 9:12 PM

Jeebus said:

Warbler said:

Also, I don’t think I’d feel very safe around an armed guard, I’d probably feel less safe then I would without a guard. People with guns make me nervous, not because I’m afraid of guns, but because I can never know if they’re going to use them or what they’re going to use them for.

Ok, I will give this a real response.

Thank you, I appreciate it.

I don’t know why an armed cop would make you nervous. He/she has the gun in case the worst happened. As long as you behave yourself, you don’t need to worry.

I don’t trust that all cops will be totally sane/rational. If the guards were “extremely well trained and extensively background checked,” as you said, I think I’d be less averse to the idea. That said, I think “trained and background checked” is too vague to really have a discussion about, and it seems to me that it’s rooted in a ‘perfect world’ ideal without really considering how it would be done and how feasible it is.

obviously, a lot more details would need to be ironed out before going ahead with this.

I’m not saying that a cop is going to shoot a student (though I don’t doubt that it would happen), just that people with guns put me on edge.

And when you say “behave yourself,” what does that mean?

Don’t try to kill any students, teachers or others

Don’t carry deadly weapons

Obey direct orders from cops

Kids and teenagers are rowdy. What happens if they don’t behave themselves?

I want the cops to be trained well enough to be able to deal with them reasonably. For most part, it should be left up the regular school staff to deal with rowdy kids.

Will they be shot? What if the guard feels threatened by a student?


I feel like by putting armed guards in school, they would be bringing with them all the problems of a real police force; racial profiling, overuse of force, the whole nine yards.

I agree these are problems. But we have problems right now. Kids are being murdered in our schools.