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Post #1174308

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The Official All-Purpose Board Game Thread
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Date created
22-Feb-2018, 12:10 PM

chyron8472 said:

We named the diseases after Star Wars characters based on saber colors. Yellow was Katarn, Red was Maul, Blue was Kenobi.

Funny, black was our COdA too. We just came up with names that sounded like stuff we wouldn’t want to catch in real life. Yellow was weeping pox, blue was creeping ennui (hey, it’s what Europeans get, okay?), and red was crimson slough.

What month are you currently on?

We’d just finished May, faded spilling outside the black borders, so, so, very screwed.

I’ve only played the mobile app, and I didn’t enjoy it very much. I might have liked it better as the physical version, because at least then I’d be playing it with other people.

Oh yeah, that part where you build your spaceship and watch the universe pulverize it with random crap… that’s a lot of fun because people are with you laughing at your completely arbitrary misfortune. Alone I think it would just be dumb and frustrating.