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Post #1174290

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Date created
22-Feb-2018, 11:31 AM

CatBus said:

Interested to hear more about Pandemic Legacy: Season 2. I’m in the middle of a multiplayer-logistics-stalled campaign of Season 1 and it’s fun and interesting (I hadn’t played any other “Legacy” games before), but I wouldn’t yet recommend it without some reservations. More importantly, what did you name your diseases? Inquiring minds.

We named the diseases after Star Wars characters based on saber colors. Yellow was Katarn, Red was Maul, Blue was Kenobi. We actually had our fourth player move away mid-season during Season 1, but our third player had a good setup for her to Skype in to play remotely. We enjoyed it enough that when I got Season 2, I hit them both up again to play it the same way. This means I’m having to scan all of the components (as they are revealed) and upload them to Google Drive in a shared folder so she can read everything. She said she’s going to get a copy for herself to use on her end, but that won’t help with seeing legacy cards and stickers on the board.

Yes, if you’re going to play Pandemic Legacy, you need everyone to commit to playing at least one game (which takes about 90 minutes) at least once every couple of weeks. Less frequently than that and you start to forget the storyline. We managed to get in an average of two games per session, and every week or week-and-a-half. At some point we all got so excited about what was coming next that we couldn’t wait to play again.

What month are you currently on?

(that’s me on the right.)

Anyone ever played Galaxy Trucker? I’ve only played it a few times but it was a complete riot. Fair warning: I think I may have a soft spot for audacious game design, regardless of how well it actually works out in practice.

I’ve only played the mobile app, and I didn’t enjoy it very much. I might have liked it better as the physical version, because at least then I’d be playing it with other people.