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Post #1174005

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The Official All-Purpose Board Game Thread
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Date created
21-Feb-2018, 7:39 PM

Just played Web of Spies a couple times. Dead simple gameplay, goofy at times. In terms of strategy, it’s a simple deckbuilder merged with Kill Doctor Lucky and all his Family and Friends and Casual Acquaintances and Anyone Who Ever Said Anything Nice about Him on Facebook. Easy on the brain, beer-friendly, bloodthirsty, highly recommended. You can kill people with a speedboat, what’s not to like about that?

Interested to hear more about Pandemic Legacy: Season 2. I’m in the middle of a multiplayer-logistics-stalled campaign of Season 1 and it’s fun and interesting (I hadn’t played any other “Legacy” games before), but I wouldn’t yet recommend it without some reservations. More importantly, what did you name your diseases? Inquiring minds.

Anyone ever played Galaxy Trucker? I’ve only played it a few times but it was a complete riot. Fair warning: I think I may have a soft spot for audacious game design, regardless of how well it actually works out in practice.