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Post #1173889

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Things that you would like to see in Star Wars that have not happened
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Date created
21-Feb-2018, 3:22 PM

Here’s another idea I have in mind. A SW story that takes place in the distant future, the state of the Galaxy, wether it’s being ruled by an evil Empire or the Republic managed to pull through is kept deliberately vague, the Jedi are but a rumour, and it’s unclear if Rey’s efforts to restore the Jedi Order were successful or not, thus many Force-wielders are largely self-taught, with some using the Force to help others much in the same spirit the ancient Jedi used to do and others for self-gain, managing to become rulers of planets and even entire star systems. The knowledge of lightsaber construction has been lost for the most part, thus making them a rare sight in the Galaxy.
And here I’d introduce a bounty hunter as the progatonist who is secretely a Force wielder, alternating between the light and the dark.