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Post #1173625

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Date created
21-Feb-2018, 9:49 AM

yhwx said:

DominicCobb said:

joefavs said:

Black Panther just now. I think it was my first MCU movie since Winter Soldier. It was fine. I thought the story was pretty by-numbers, but I found most of the characters very appealing and I really dig everything about Wakanda. With any luck the inevitable sequel will get a little more adventurous with the plotting. These characters deserve it. Except Michael B. Jordan, who I thought was really terrible. If I didn’t already know who he was and this was the first thing I saw him in, I would have guessed he was a musician or something who hadn’t done a lot of acting. I remember his name being thrown around for Star Wars a couple years ago and this movie made me glad that nothing ever came of it.


That’s old form, Dom; the in thing to do is to say “bad take.”

Reported because no one says that here, nor should they.