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Post #1168472

TV's Frink
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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
6-Feb-2018, 4:39 PM

Creox said:

SilverWook said:

Mavimao said:

The problem with criticizing the kamakaze act in TLJ is that in the name of fairness, you’re going to have to nitpick the use of Ion Cannons.

“Well, if a few blasts of an ion cannon can cripple a star destroyer, why doesn’t the empire use more of them against the rebels!”

Have we ever seen an Ion cannon fired from a spacecraft? Seems like the thing is huge, and probably dependent on that big power generator the Walkers took out. One can argue that particular SD captain was overconfident (our first catch of the day) and didn’t have his shields up. We also don’t see any other SD’s get hit.

And while we’re at it, let’s nitpick how Luke was able to leave Hoth with little trouble while everyone else had to go through a blockade.

The Imperial fleet is probably chasing down the bigger ships, (all of which have fled Hoth at that point) and it’s easier to slip away. Space is big, really big Wedge and those other pilots getting to their X-Wings probably did the same.

And while I’m thinking about it, if Leia knew the Falcon was rigged with a tracking device, why didn’t they go out of light speed somewhere far from the base, rendez-vous with a cruiser, and leave Han.

And make sure the cruiser brings Han his money? 😉 There are arguments that the Rebels want to bring the DS to them, gambling that they will find a weakness in time. Han refused to believe they were being tracked anyway.

Your post is a plausible explanation but the issue is that you can go down the potatot hole quickly