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Post #1167940

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
5-Feb-2018, 4:08 PM

Collipso said:

Ok so I’ve gotten to the very well thought out conclusion that Trump is not a decent man at all.

I think to be fair, I should point out that many people who are equally horrible human beings understand enough about decency to appear to be decent in public. What’s so unusual about Trump is that he showcases his awfulness as if it were a badge of honor. Remember when they caught Dahmer et al, people were always saying “He seemed nice, kinda quiet”. If Trump eventually gets convicted of anything, people will say, “Well, sure, we knew that all along, that’s why we voted for him”.

Also, personal likeability is overrated for elected officials. I remember the old media standard “Sure, Gore’s smart and all, but people would rather have a beer with Bush”. To some degree, being a cold fish or even kinda gloomy and unpleasant doesn’t matter. It’s once that unpleasantness crosses the line into demonstrating that you are disconnected from any sort of ethical foundation that it becomes a problem IMO.