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Post #1163641

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Am I a Bully?
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Date created
26-Jan-2018, 8:53 PM

Recently, there was a patient on my psychiatric floor at the hospital. He was committed for involuntary treatment, but he didn’t actually have a psychiatric disorder. He was a criminal. He would knock over tables and threaten injury to others so he could get arrested and get out, but never actually injured someone. He showed the kind of self-control that indicated he was a man who knew right where the limit was to avoid serious criminal charges or end up in restraints. He pushed the limits right up to the point where he felt we might intervene in a drastic way, but stopped short of crossing the most serious lines.

Not at all saying Frink is equivalent to this guy, but he kind of does the same thing on a smaller scale. He pushes the limits of the rules right up to the point that he could almost receive moderator action, but he never quite crosses that line.

I hate to say that because I genuinely like Frink, but there’s truth to it. He’s a genuinely nice guy, but if he disagrees with something, he will push and push, and if you get offended, that’s your problem. However, if you’ve offended him, even unintentionally, that’s still your problem. I feel he really needs to learn to back off a bit and let others disagree it have their way without making life needlessly difficult for them.