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Post #1162779

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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
25-Jan-2018, 10:09 AM

oojason said:

dahmage said:

NeverarGreat said:

Random Opinions on appearances:
I liked that Hux looked more sallow and haunted.
I liked how Leia looked more regal.
I liked how Snoke was a sassy jerk.
I liked how C-3PO and R2-D2 looked a lot more realistic somehow.
I liked Holdo’s…everything.

Oh, I agree with this. Very much.

Same here - the scenes with the OT characters were pretty much spot on for me, and the new ST characters evolved - though I do wish to have seen more of Rey & Luke on Ahch-To - which we seemingly may do via the deleted/cut scenes.

The scene with Luke and Leia together was touching (a lot of dust in the cinema that day 😉) yet also found the Luke and R2 scene also emotive (damn these dusty cinemas!) - beautifully played and acted, even by R2…

Very much looking forward to Episode IX…

I think it was shabby that they cut out Rey’s third lesson. It’s just so sloppy to set it up and then let it drop.