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Post #1160929

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
21-Jan-2018, 2:58 PM

I hate everybody at the women’s march and I hate everybody at the march for life and I hope the ground splits open and all of them fall into the Earth. Sounds fair and unbiased to me.

On the media subject, the right has attempted and succeeded on their side to falsely label the media as one big liberal entity. It isn’t. Fox News is the biggest cable network and is as biased against the Democrats as ever (as Frink pointed out), conservatives have nearly a monopoly on talk radio, InfoWars and it’s ripoffs are huge, plenty of online outlets and YouTube are full of rightwing drivel. The left is not unique in running shit news outlets. Also, the shit leftwing outlets aren’t as bad as the shit rightwing outlets. InfoWars and Breitbart are a million times worse than things like Vox, Jezebel, or even the Young Turks.