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Post #1160300

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4K restoration on Star Wars
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Date created
19-Jan-2018, 6:13 PM

Wazzles said:

moviefreakedmind said:

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

That said, a recompositing of the original film elements for an OUT wouldn’t offend me, but I also don’t tend to think it is necessary.

People on this site are the only ones I’ve ever seen that claim to be offended by recompositing the original effects. I don’t think they’re bothered by the TNG blurays though.

I am. I’m even offended that To Kill a Mockingbird removed optical grain during push-ins.

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EDIT: I may have misunderstood you, I think you’re saying that you’re offended by the TNG blurays and if that’s the case then you should be offended that they exist at all because the original broadcasts were not HD. They were mastered on tape, so doing a hi-def restoration is in itself revisionism (by that logic). If you’re only offended by the effects on the blurays, then your offense is inconsistent because you’re basically saying that it’s okay to restore live action footage to a quality beyond its original version, but not visual effects, even though 480i cassette tape effects would look like absolute garbage on an otherwise HD copy. So are you saying that all TV shows originally mastered on tape should not be released on bluray because it’s ‘cultural revisionism’ somehow?