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Post #1160104

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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
19-Jan-2018, 9:49 AM

DrDre said:

dahmage said:

I think the suggestion to listen to the Empire podcast and hear from Rian himself is a good suggestion though. You will only re-inforce your own feelings if you read an article like that Dre. Where-as you could actually get real information directly fromt he Horses mouth if you listen to Rian explain some of the decisions he made.

time to come clean - i haven’t listened to that podcast myself yet.

I might give it a listen, although I did read the article. It’s always interesting to hear about a creator’s intentions. However, I also think a film should be analyzed on it’s own terms. The PT is based on some good concepts and ideas, but in the end it was the execution of those ideas that made it less than successful for me personally.

You are right, that external analysis is good, especially for judging how well the creator did what they intended to do. But if you give Rian a chance to help form your thinking, before giving random upset joe-schmoe that same chance, the odds are you will come out with a slightly higher appreciation for the film, than if you go the other way.

And at the end of the day, i just want all Star Wars fans to be the happiest fans they can be 😃