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Post #1159091

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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
17-Jan-2018, 3:35 AM

Which one of us gets the gold medal and the Wheaties cereal box contract then? šŸ˜›

I see Yoda as always having had a mischievous side he had to keep in check being a proper Jedi master. He doesnā€™t have to be super serious all the time anymore. Being dead for 30 years is probably liberating. He could also be laughing because he knows the books arenā€™t even in the tree? Perhaps Frank Oz will chime in one of these days about it. Heā€™s been fairly protective of Yoda.

And I think when the Yoda puppet is eventually seen in behind the scenes photos, it will become clear itā€™s the lighting that makes him look odd in certain shots.