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Post #1155916

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
8-Jan-2018, 6:57 PM

CatBus said:

Warbler said:

I’m just curious, other than not being Trump, what qualifications does Oprah have for being President?

Well, when Trump ran for President, he would have been the least qualified person to ever be elected to that office.

If Oprah runs for President, she would be tied for the least qualified person to ever be elected to that office.

Totally different 😉

But still.

But all snark aside, lack of political experience is not an immediate disqualification, just a giant red flag.

I’m sorry but putting someone in the Oval Office that has no political experience is like putting someone in to pitch in the World Series without having any professional baseball experience.

Oprah is clearly a successful businesswoman, which puts her above Trump on that scale, for whatever that’s worth.

Many would argue Trump is a successful businessman, he did make a lot of money. At any being a good business person does mean one would make a good President.

She doesn’t appear to be mobbed up, which is nice. She also can go hours and even days without lying or committing a major crime, which again is a serious leg up.


Maybe she’s got some political savvy that we haven’t seen very clearly yet.

Some probably said the same about Trump.

Trump’s political liabilities were on full display and easy to discern during the primary and general election, and people ran from him in droves (not enough, but still). Obviously Oprah will come across more favorably than Trump, but she’ll be up against people like Kamala Harris who will be very clearly smart, levelheaded, professional and experienced.

I will have to do some research on this Kamala Harris.

Don’t forget Trump was up against a clown car full of amateurs in the primary, so it didn’t really matter what sort of fool he looked like there, and he failed to be more appealing than his opponent in the general. Oprah will have to really prove herself to come out on top, just in the primary alone.

Well I hope she doesn’t run and if she runs, I hope she doesn’t win the primary. It might be the one thing that gives Trump a chance at winning a second term.