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Post #1155647

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Star Wars Episode III: Labyrinth Of Evil (Released)
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Date created
8-Jan-2018, 6:28 AM

I think the kiss scene is mandatory to make the romance work. I would even like that Hal keeps Padmé’s lines at the beginning of the scene, I believe it would then flow slightly better when the scene becomes wordless (I even see some kind of pattern here: each time Anakin’s actions have strong consequences (kissing Padmé in AOTC, turning to the dark side in the Padmé’s ruminations scene of ROTS, killing the Emperor in ROTJ), he should always be wordless.

For what it’s worth, here are my “last minute” very small suggestions for Episode II (the current v4.2 is around 95-98% perfect to my taste, so it merely is “full nitpicking” mode I confesss 😃):

  • Readd the last part of Jar Jar introducing the jedi at Padmé’s HQ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm593Vhs3bI#t=0m54s
    (it doesn’t change anything actually - Jar Jar was still a main character in your Episode I edit, so it would give him a few more screen presence that aren’t annoying -, but I believe it would make the sound transition work better). In the same scene, I’m unsure about Padmé’s “Ani, you’ll always be that little boy I knew on Tatooine”, it’s such a weird thing to say (but the scene might feel rushed with that line removed, so it probably has to stay);

  • you’ve already mentioned you were going to remove the Obi-wan/Anakin last residual childish antagonism from the theatrical cut (“and you will know your place”) so it’s perfect !

  • for somes reasons, I kinda miss the arrogant “Easy. Jedi business, Go back to your drinks”., which in a way showed the gap between the Jedi Order and the rest of the population to explain why they don’t care when they get exterminated a few years later (something we only get to see in TCW-Season 5 with the Ahsoka arc on Coruscant). And I think it’s good that Anakin shows off a little at this point of the movie (he’s confident and no longer the awkward child seen in Episode I). But again it’s a small thing and I understand why some would hate that line;

  • the line “You’re exactly the way I remember" has been removed the “you in my dreams” part but I don’t think it works; very minor detail but the sentence ends abruptly, it’s a little bit jarring and the only moment in your edit that feels like something has been cut (I’ve tried to find a sample of an Anakin sentence that ends with “you” but none is to be found that could work in this context to replace the “you” supposed to be followed by “in my dreams”: very tricky this line !);

  • I like the way Octoroxx used the Queen’s throne room in his edit; I understand why you removed it entirely but I feel that some exposition regarding the Federations and the Republic is interesting here (however your edit works fine without it, but in the Saga context the info it contains is interesting);

  • during the diner scene, I believe Anakin’s line “If Master Obi-Wan caught me doing this, he’d be very grumpy” should be removed like all the previous Anakin mentions of his master you’ve removed (not sure if possible though in order to keep the rest of the scene), just because it’s a very ridiculous line 😄 ;

  • after Anakin’s dream, I would suggest to remove the last line: “I’m sorry. I don’t have a choice”. It’s a repetitive line and Padmé already agreed to come with him;

  • I’m not even gonna try to convince you about readding a trimmed version of the factory scene: I know you totally hate it ! (but removing it creates a curious transition… too bad there isn’t a cut scene of Anakin handing his saber to Jango => pretty sure such a scene exists somewhere in Lucasfilm vaults…);

  • Octoroxx had 2 interesting ideas in his edit: he trimmed Anakin’s whining about having to follow Mace Windu’s orders, and he slightly trimmed chat between Dooku and Obi-Wan;

  • I understand the title ‘Tyrannus’ has no pay-off in your edit (and none in ROTS as well, theatrical cut or your edit), but in TCW it does, would be cool to hear Sidious calling Dooku that way (but again: very minor detail 😃).

Oh and one last thing, very minor thing (that I truly hate as a matter of fact) I’ve never seen altered in any Episode II edit: the very bad edit transition to Padmé laying in the sand (here the video - it’s a youtube sample that has cut out the Padmé scene, but there is still the shot I’m talking about at 1:04: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFWEBm0TC00#t=1m04). This Anakin shot should be placed just before he jumps to save Obi-Wan, not here (Marcia Lucas was really missed on the PT, especially Episode II which has the worst editing work of the Saga). I really don’t know if it could be corrected though.

As promised, that was my last long “small suggestions” post for the coming and final v4.3 of your PT edits 😄 (don’t worry, it truly is the last 😉).

(and thanks a lot for the crawls with the theatrical titles !)