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Post #1153389

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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
3-Jan-2018, 3:15 PM

SilverWook said:

Zak fett said:

Mrebo said:

I liked the Leia scene and I read it as intended: Leia instinctually acted to save her life with the latent powers we know her to have. Maybe the moment was too contrived or the execution a little funny, but it worked for me.

It was a bit out of place, she probably would of died in the explosion and would of exploded in space but who cares it was a way they could keep her alive.

People don’t explode in a vacuum. That’s a movie cliché that has no basis in reality.


tl;dw: It is theorized that the human body can be subject to the vacuum of space for up to 3 minutes before the subject dies. The main sticking point with TLJ is that the skin and organs should swell a lot. Not 1990’s Total Recall levels of swelling, but still a highly significant amount (like 2x normal size). Also there is a high likelihood that the subject would simultaneously pee, poop and vomit due to digestive gases trying to escape.

Once the person returns to a pressurized environment, they are likely to achieve complete recovery depending on how long the experience lasted. This assumes, however, that the subject doesn’t purpose to hold a full breath of air in their lungs, whose pressure difference would likely quickly kill the subject.