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Post #1152864

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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
2-Jan-2018, 6:08 PM

TV’s Frink said:

Valheru_84 said:

DominicCobb said:

DrDre said:

DominicCobb said:

DrDre said:

DominicCobb said:

DrDre said:

DominicCobb said:

Literally the whole point of Luke showing up and making a scene is inspiring hope across the galaxy.

“The Rebellion is reborn today.”

The Resistance won’t be able to fit on the Falcon for long. This is made pretty clear in the film.

Yeah, but that all depends how the FO will rule the galaxy. It’s not two major organisations backed by various systems like in the OT. In ANH many systems were rebellung against the Empire, because it was oppressing the galaxy. Now it’s hundreds of thousands of troops versus fifty people. If the FO are smart, there won’t be a Resistance ever.

Luke didn’t just inspire little kids with brooms. He inspired everyone who sympathizes with the Resistance’s plight, including, as is implied, their allies in the Outer Rim.

Sympathy that will only last if the FO are an oppressive force. The Resistance have no allies. Their socalled allies in the outer rim didn’t answer.

If the FO set up a benevolent form of government, the Resistance will never rise again, and quickly fade into obscurity. That is as decisive a victory as victories can be. It’s completely up to the FO to drop the ball.

First of all, the FO does not control the galaxy yet. They are in the process of picking up the pieces during the course of TLJ, that is why the quest for Luke is so dire (Rey states this outright in the film). Their ruling style is irrelevant. They are a fascist regime that favors the wealthy and corrupt. The only way the gain power is by leveling whole communities. The goal is to stop them before they can take full control.

And the allies didn’t answer because “the spark has gone out.” Luke reignited the spark. That’s literally the whole point of the climax.

According to the info from the film, the FO will take full control in weeks. That seems a very short time frame for our miniscule group of rebels.

But don’t you understand that it’s not just the “minuscule” group anymore by the end because of Luke?

The thing is, who else was there to witness Jake’s actions?

Insisting on calling Luke “Jake” is really silly. I hate the prequels and the Anakin we got was not in any way the Anakin I wanted, but I’m not going to make a show of calling him “Tomakin.”

Your opinion on Luke being done incorrectly is valid. It’s an opinion I completely disagree with, but it’s your right to believe it. Refusing to call him by his actual name just comes off as childish.

I’m only following Mr Hamill’s example 😉

But I agree that it’s probably a bit juvenile for me to use it as opposed to Mark in order to act out a character he can’t accept as the Luke Skywalker he knows. Seeing that I’m not going to watch the movie again it’s not like I have to create an alternate canon to accept him in since I don’t accept the entire movie as canon anyway.

So I’ll just refer to TLJ Luke from here on as “TLJ Luke” to differentiate the character from OT Luke since I clearly have different views on both characters.
